case studies
Rhokana Engineering has solved a wide variety of industrial challenges that range from the every day to the uniquely technical. Each has been approached equally with our engineering expertise in these fields; ensuring a perfectly tailored solution to each client's requirements.

20 Inch Couplings
Refinery in Mossel Bay, S Africa, Two 20 inch pipe couplings continually had leaking problems, creating underground seepage in the nearby town of Mossel Bay.
24 Inch Ammonia line
A refinery in Secunda South Africa experienced excessive internal erosion. Pin hole leaks had formed expelling ammonia into the atmosphere. Technowrap was asked to provide a solution.
36 Inch Caustic Drum, Alkylation Plant
The refinery in Durban South Africa, 36 inch Caustic and Mereox drum experienced excessive internal erosion. The requirement was to reintroduce integrity to the Drum enabling operations to continue safely until next shutdown. Pressure at 7 bar and temperature at around 50 °C.
Fuel Oil Line
A refinery in Durban South Africa experienced excessive corrosion under insulation. Pin hole leaks had formed and temporary clamps were used to contain the leaks in two areas.
Repair to Tar Tank Walls and Roof
Various Tanks at a refinery in South Africa had experienced mostly internal erosion over a number of years, the erosion had become severe on the roof outer perimeter and upper walls of the tanks.